Anne Silber, Exotic Surroundings
This collection of images of Boston, Massachusetts builds upon the recommendation that pictures with familiar regional content are best for individuals with cognitive impairment. Using the historic Boston Common as a starting point, it includes images of nature as well as scenes from some of the city’s neighborhoods. Developing an art program for memory care offers a wonderful opportunity to delve more deeply into the history and culture of a local area to find those places that are relevant and meaningful across generations – creating a setting that helps forge connections between those with cognitive challenges and their carers and visitors.
The coastlines, hills, flora, and other environmental elements of California are the inspiration for this gallery. These are complemented by abstract and figurative fine art, the latter of which offers perspectives on connection and relationships. The works included here seek to capture the atmosphere and emotion of scenes through a play of light, color, and space.
Concrete objects and their imagery can anchor memory. A simplicity and clarity of visual language characterizes the images of everyday objects and nature included in this gallery. It includes vintage photographs of daily life as inspiration for the creation of personalized memory boards.